218 Press

Works by Tom Johnson

Munich Rhythms

A symphonic score presenting all the 252 five-note rhythms possible in ten beats, for 15 minutes. Originally written for Musica Viva and the Bayerischer Rundfunk Orchester; first performed in Munich in 2010. Score (A3) $35, parts on rental.

  • Author: Tom Johnson
  • Publisher: 218 Press
  • Year: 2010
  • Orchestra: 3333, 4331, 4, str

360 Chords

Seven-note chords, sometimes tonal. sometimes atonal. are constructed logically with the same six intervals in different orders. The orchestration changes slightly every 12 chords and it takes 20 minutes for the large orchestra to arrive at chord 360. Premiered in the Musica Viva series by the Bayerischer Rundfunk Orchester in Munich, July 2008. Score $20, parts on rental.

  • Author: Tom Johnson
  • Publisher: 218 Press
  • Year: 2005
  • Orchestra: 3333, 4331, 4, str


Self-replicating loops turn for 17 minutes in this orchestra piece, premiered at the Steirischer Herbst in Graz, Austria, in September 1999. Score $22, parts on rental.

  • Author: Tom Johnson
  • Publisher: 218 Press
  • Year: 1999
  • Orchestra: 2222, 2221, 2 perc. str.

Dragons In A

Five movements for orchestra, each following the dragon formula, also known as the “paper-folding formula.” 18 minutes, orchestra material on rental. Score $22.

  • Author: Tom Johnson
  • Publisher: 218 Press
  • Year: 1979
  • Orchestra: * , * , * , *

The River

Tom Johnson's first orchestral piece is perhaps the most minimal; almost nothing happens for 8 minutes.

The title is inspired by an excerpt from Siddartha: “that secret from the river; that there is no such thing as time”.

New edition (2020): Full score and parts, 40 pages, $18.

  • Author: Tom Johnson
  • Publisher: 218 Press
  • Year: 1966
  • Orchestra: 2222, 423, 2 perc., str
Dragon curve
Dragon curve as described by Martin Gardner in 1967